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PATROLling: Where I get my learnin’ on

PATROLling: Where I get my learnin’ on

On PATROL was originally a column on Breach-Bang-Clear, but I moved it here for Reasons. A quick explanation is no doubt in order: when I say patrolling, I’m referring to the act of consulting – or actively looking for – PATROL locations. Places...

The FYSA Files: a Fanfaronade

I use the term FYSA  a lot. Probably too much. And I often use it improperly, when maybe FYI would be better suited. But it made a great alliterative term for my “FYSA File” articles. FYSA means For Your Situational Awareness. It’s an acronym...
The thing about tactical is…

The thing about tactical is…

…it has so many meanings. Many of them entirely incorrect, even when used correctly. You know what I’m talking about. Tactical is the most common marketing term in the firearms/training/outdoor/tactical industry. In fact, I’d venture to say...
Roger Up at the Team Rubicon Roll Call

Roger Up at the Team Rubicon Roll Call

I finally finished my Team Rubicon training. It only took me, I don’t know, all year? There are several reasons I was procrastinating, but that hardly matters. It’s done now, and I’m finally eligible for the Team Rubicon Roll Call…and...

Crossbows, Golden Eagles, and Verisimilitude

Crossbows, Golden Eagles, and Verisimilitude How I get sideways, learn a lot, and get nothing done. Research in fiction is key to accuracy, plausibility, and verisimilitude – but it’s also a depthless as Kaidas1, a bottomless pit that sucks you waaaay in. I know this...